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Family Recovery Services from Addiction-Related Grief

First Tier

EST. representatives will locate local hospice houses who offer free grief counseling and support groups, as well as check other local options on behalf of the grieving women and children. Case-by-case literature will be determined by an EST. representative. Regular, bi-weekly well-checks will allow each member to vocalize grief, and allow EST representation an opportunity to check in on which grief-related needs can be met. All women and children touched by EST. will be invited to yearly retreats where a split-venue will provide faith-based education and healing from the effects of addiction, at no cost.

Second Tier

Brain fog, or Widow's Brain, often occurs after the loss of a spouse, and hinders the ability to provide care for oneself, or another (such as a child) well. EST. Representatives will hire on-going meal delivery services as needed for each family after the tragic loss of their partner/parent to addiction-related causes. EST. representatives will also work with local car body shops to ensure pickup of cars and regular maintenance of primary vehicles in the months following the loss. Financial needs will be determined on a case-by-case basis to maintain financial security for the family in this tragic life-transition.

Third Tier

To ensure living environments remain safe and sanitary during the grieving process for each family, on-going maid services will be offered. Grief is one of the most challenging obstacles humans face in life, and unnecessary stress will be reduced during the grieving process. If a widow determines she needs to switch jobs or become gainfully employed as a results of her loss, EST. representatives will aid her in the job search, resume creation, and application process.

Fourth Tier

During certain holidays (such as birthdays or Christmas), gifts will be offered to fit the occasion and bless the family in the midst of their grief. Joy will also be brought to the women and children by offering monthly activities when they are ready, such as dinner, movie nights, and putt-putt on their healing journey. These monthly activities will foster family bonding after their significant loss.

1 Peter 5:10

But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.

James 1:27

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

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